New Slavery Database

The William S. Hein & Co. Inc. has just released a unique, free collection, Slavery in America and the World: History, Culture & Law, which brings together legal materials on slavery in the United States and the English-speaking world along with a detailed overview on the subject of slavery in general. Use this resource to access a rich trove of primary sources.

Emancipation Proclamation
In providing the collection at no cost Hein is addressing the section of its mission statement that involves corporate citizenship and has offered the following rationale:
The crisis revolving around race relations in America and the recent events surrounding this crisis have made the Hein Company rethink the idea of financially profiting from the sale of a collection on slavery. As good corporate citizens, Hein realized that a unique opportunity existed to make a positive impact in our community, in our profession and very possibly in a wider arena. Therefore, the decision was made not to charge for this collection, but to provide Slavery in America and the World free to anyone with an interest in the subject: libraries, institutions, students, researchers, or any other entity within our global community. By doing this, the Hein Company will realize a different form of profit by potentially making a difference during this troubling time.
"Contrabands at Headquarters of General Lafayette,"
