Writing your thesis? Get Citation Help

 If you are finishing a paper or your senior thesis don't get bogged down by the bibliography or reference list.  Use these links for help:

The Owl--features guides to MLA, APA, AMA, and Chicago styles

Chicago Manual of Style Online 16th edition

KnightCite--just fill in the information about your book or article and KnightCite creates a citation for it.  MLA, APA, & Chicago

No Need to Re-create the Wheel:
The library's book catalog and most of the library's databases include a citation for each book or article you access.  Just look for the "Cite" option.  Caveat: these citation may not be 100% accurate, so check them against the examples given in the Owl before you use them in your bibliography or reference list.  They will, however, give you a good head start on creating the citation.
