What is a QR code? Rachel Thomas, our Interlibrary Loan Librarian, has been researching this issue and provides us with the following explication:
QR (Quick Response) is a bar code in the shape of a square that contains information, in many cases a website address. If you have a smart phone with an application that can scan bar codes or QR codes, you'll be able to scan this bar code with the camera in your phone, and the application will read the QR Code. After a few seconds the website that is contained within the code will appear on your phone.
We are using QR codes on our Interlibary Loan bookmarks. So if you've recently requested an item through ILL, try scanning the QR code on your bookmark--it will lead you to the library website where you will be able to check the status of your loan from your phone.
Watch for more QR codes to come!