New Chat, Chow, & Web 2.0

Chat, Chow, & Web 2.0 begins a new semester. We will meet as usual once a month on a Wednesday from 12:30-1:30 with a luncheon accompaniment.

"So Various, So Beautiful, So New"
A welcome back session highlighting new technologies for the new semester--"where's my G-drive?!!," "what's Camio?" Tegrity meets Facebook.

Wednesday Sept. 16th

"Don't Waste Time Mourning--Organize"
We'll be looking at Web 2.0 technologies for information management--RSS feeds, Yahoo Pipes, and more.

Wednesday October 21st

"What's the Use of A Book Without Pictures or Conversations?"
In this session the topic will be e-readers--the latest on Kindle, "what's a Playaway?" "do we want e-text books?"

Wednesday November 18th

"Oh the Mind, Mind Has Mountains"
Joe Dulak and Tricia Klosky will be on board with concept and mind mapping tools.

Wednesday December 2nd

Watch more more details coming soon (the all important luncheon menu for example).